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Межрегиональный творческий конкурс «Петр I в моем городе: кадр истории»


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Кафедра литературы на иностранных языках отдела абонемента Вологодской областной универсальной научной библиотеки имени И.В. Бабушкина в рамках юбилейных мероприятий, посвященных празднованию 350-летия со дня рождения первого российского императора Петра I, организовала региональный этап Межрегионального творческого конкурса иллюстрированных эссе на иностранных языках «Петр I в моем городе: кадр истории». Учредителем и организатором конкурса является Всероссийская государственная библиотека иностранной литературы имени М.И. Рудомино.
Участникам от 12 до 20 лет предлагалось провести исследование о посещении Петром Первым города Вологды и написать по итогам небольшое эссе на английском языке о конкретном эпизоде или историческом документе (предмете, артефакте, здании), связанном с этим событием, дополнив его информативной иллюстрацией.
Представляем виртуальную выставку работ участников регионального этапа межрегионального конкурса "Петр I в моем городе: кадр истории"
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Всего на конкурс было направлено более 30 работ от учащихся средних общеобразовательных школ, средних профессиональных учреждений города Вологды, Вологодского областного колледжа культуры и туризма
(г. Кириллов) и Вологодского государственного университета.
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Полные тексты работ доступны в группе "Language Library. Вологда" в разделе "Статьи".

The house where Peter I stayed during his visits to Vologda. Truth or myth?

Башкирцева Виктория Вениаминовна,
МОУ "Средняя общеобразовательная школа № 18
имени Героя Советского Союза А.А. Полянского"


I live in one of the oldest cities in Russia, Vologda. It was founded in 1147. Vologda is known by the names of many great people: writers, poets, scientists, cosmonauts, military leaders. But one of the brightest personalities in the history of Russia who visited Vologda is the great emperor Peter I.The proof of this is a one-story building similar to an ancient casket. The townspeople in the 18th century called it the Petrovsky house.

"Петр I и Вологда"

Зайкина Дарья Евгеньевна,
МОУ «СОШ №3»

Peter the Great lived in the current house-museum five times during a visit to the city of Vologda. He first visited here in 1692, the second visit to Vologda took place in July 1693; the third time the great tsar visited the city in May 1694; the fourth visit took place on May 15, 1702; the last visit by Peter Vologda took place in March 1724.
Now there are about a hundred exhibits in the museum. Things are mute witnesses of that era. The oldest of them are already three hundred years old.
These are various household items belonging to the owners of the house.The visits of Peter I are an integral part of the history of the city of Vologda. Peter I on the whole was a great ruler. And we should be proud that he visited our city.

«Peter the Great in my city: history frame-the legend of the bells»

Сальникова Людмила Юрьевна,
МОУ «СОШ №5»


Peter the Great visited Vologda during his lifetime.The legend is associated with the name of Peter I: In one of the visits of Peter I, the bells rang. And the bell ringer turned out to be a master, he played a cheerful dance "Kamarinskaya" to Peter. Peter I askstsar Gabriel menacingly: "What have you got there?". And thetsar answers him humbly: "Our bells, Father Peter Alekseevich, are all kinds: day and noon, night and midnight, hour and hour, ringing and chiming, silver and crimson. And our masters are wonderful." Peter answered: "So let your bells sound."

Petrovsky House in Vologda

Гаврильченко Альбина Витальевна,
МОУ «Лицей № 32»


Nowadays, Petrovsky House tells about the life of the region and the city in the first quarter of the XVIII century, about the affairs and everyday life of Vologda residents. It stands on the picturesque elevated bank of the river not far from the pierreminding the stormy days in the history of the Russian state – Peter's time.
A square was set up near the museum housein which an old Vologda cannon was installed. Vologda residents and tourists like to walk along Peter's Roads here.

Participation of Peter the Great in the life of Vologda

Велиева София,
ЧПОУ "Вологодский кооперативный колледж"


Peter I was born on June 9, 1672. This great emperor visited the Vologda region many times, which greatly pleased the residents. Each of his visits was a celebration in which everyone wanted to participate and become a part of something big. People were interested in getting to know the emperor or to see him at least a little. The Emperor was really great because he radically changed the course of the history of Russia and brought it to a new level.
In total, for all the times of his stay, Pyotr Alekseevich visited 6 cities of the Vologda region: Vologda, Totma, Veliky Ustyug, Kirillov, Vytegra and Belozersk. Royal visits became a noisy event every time and sometimes led to unexpected changes in the destinies of the city and its inhabitants.

Peter's House

Булатова Зинаида Сергеевна,
БОУ ВО «Вологодский многопрофильный лицей»


The house is located on the bank of the Vologda River. Peter I stopped in the house several times during his trips around the North. The sovereign's interest in the Vologda region was due to the trade routes and the fleet. During his visits to Vologda, tsar Peter I watched the development of the fleet, measured the depth of the lakes, he was interested in the crafts of the Vologda residents and the stock of timber suitable for shipbuilding.

Peter the First and Vologda bell

Гардер Стефания Валерьевна,
МОУ "СОШ №5"


The residents of Vologda know the story about Peter the First and bell ringer. The poet Yuri Lezhnev wrote a poem about Vologda bell ringer Ivashka. According to the poem Peter the Great listened to bells’ ringing. The imperator wanted to know who did it. He went upstairs into the bell tower and asked Ivashka to play ―Komarinskaya‖. Lameman said it was a great sin. Nevertheless Peter the First promised him to take this sin to himself. Ivashka played ―Komarinskaya‖. The imperator was glad.
Later Peter the First ordered to melt all Russian bells in towns for cannons. But the imperator allowed to save the Vologda bell on the main Bell tower.

Peter the first in Vologda

Громова София Александровна,
БПОУ ВО "Вологодский областной медицинский колледж"

The book ―A Provincial City of the Russian Empire: Vologda in the 18th - early 20th centuries‖ mentions the first three visits: ―According to the sources, in 1692 Peter―had a procession through Vologda to Kubenskoye Lake and examined it. ‖The following year, Peter arrived in Vologda again.He stayed in Vologda for three days. At the beginning of May 1694, the emperor with a retinue of people arrived in Vologda from Moscow on carts.He stayed here again for three days.

The Great Peter and his house

Древа Анна Александровна,
ЧПОУ "Вологодский кооперативный колледж"


The house is interesting as a place associated with the stay of Peter I in Vologda. In 1724, Peter and his wife Ekaterina Alekseevna were in Vologda for the last time. They stayed with the Gutmans for two days. The sovereign accompanied his wife to Moscow for the wedding.
The owners of the house were changing. For a long time this house served as a warehouse.
The one-story building with a checkered roof is still popular with local and foreign tourists.Not far from the museum building there is a historical monument – a cast-iron cannon, a cannon of the Peter the Great era, cast at the Shuisky Arms Factory in Karelia. This is one of the earliest Vologda monuments, installed at the Petrovsky House back in 1885.

Как царь Петр в Тотьме солеваром работал

Бородкина Анастасия Сергеевна,
Вологодский колледж технологии и дизайна


Peter was interested in salt jars. He studied their construction with interest — in Totma salt was extracted as follows: salt water was pumped out from underground sources, up to 90 meters deep, and evaporated. The tsar personally pulled the bucket out of the pipe well, and then demanded payment and received a gold coin. But Peter told the owner to pay him the same amount as he pays his workers and received a copper coin.
Peter the Great liked to visually explore the potential of his country. He also paid attention to Totma: he visited it three times, on the way to Arkhangelsk — in 1693, in 1694 and in 1702. Grateful Totmichi preserved the memory of the tsar-traveler.
Pyotr Alekseevich liked the city on Sukhona so much that he stayed for four days on his first visit.

Петровский камзол

Захарова Анастасия Андреевна,
БПОУ ВО «Вологодский областной колледж культуры и туризма»


Firstly, men were to wear a caftan clinging tightly to the figure, a jacket, knee pants, long stockings and buckle shoes. They were to have a white wig or powdered hair. Besides, the noblemen had to cut their beards.
Secondly, according to the new fashion, women began to wear a low-necked dress with a close-fitting bodice and a wide skirt.
By the way, in Vologda, where I live, there is a memorial house of Peter the Great. The emperor stayed in this building when he visited the city.
To tell the truth, I was amazed at the jacket of Peter the Great displayed at the museum. It was handed over to the Vologda Local Lore Museum by the State Hermitage in 1955.
This exhibit is certainly unique. The white knee-length jacket with flaring and stiffened skirts (also called ―just au corps‖) was made in Zaandam, Holland. Probably Peter I bought the jacket when he lived in Holland in 1697 working as a carpenter at a local shipyard.

The House-Museum of Peter the Great

Исакова Лиана Сергеевна,
МОУ "СОШ №13 им. А.А.Завитухина"

The House-Museum of Peter the Great was opened in 1885. It is the first museum in Vologda. The House-Museum will be 137 years old on the 5th of June 2022. There are about one hundred items in the museum for example Peter the Great’s clothes, his death mask, cup of Generalissimo A.D. Menshikov, two Dutch chairs, a mirror armour and a soldier's flask.
The House-Museum of Peter the Great is located on the bank of the Vologda river on Sovetsky Prospekt 47. You can book a tour of the museum. You can also buy there some interesting books on the history and culture of Vologda. The House-Museum is very exciting and worth your attention!

Peter the Great and Vologda Kremlin’s bells

Квашнина Дарья Викторовна,
МОУ «Средняя общеобразовательная школа № 37 имени Маршала Советского Союза И.С. Конева»


During the war against Sweden the tsar Peter the Great decreed all church bells to be melted down so that the bronze could be used for casting cannons. For many years after the battles had finished the towns had to manage without the chimes on Sundays and holidays that Russian people love so much. Even in remote villages the priests could not save their bells. Silence descended on the whole of Russia except in Vologda where bell-ringers continued to collect people for church services as if the tsar had never issued his strong decree.
Legend has it, that the tsar came in person to watch the Vologda bells being taken off. Nobody dared to argue against his decree, except a bell-ringer who asked for permission to show his skill in managing the heavy ―musical instruments‖. To Peter’s great surprise instead of the usual ringing the melody of the popular dashing folk song ―Kamarinskaya‖ began to sound over Vologda. The tune had touched the feelings of the severe tsar. He cheered up and left the bells in peace and they have stayed like this up to the present time.

«Петр I в моем городе: кадр истории»

Козлов Константин Николаевич,
МОУ «СОШ № 36», 6 Г класс

In the House-Museum of Peter I you can still see unique things related to his name, these are the clothes of the emperor, and the glass cup of Alexander Menshikov, and interior items. Here you can also get acquainted with the historical reference to the Petrovsky house, as well as see numerous photographs of the museum and the square, taken more than a century ago. Here is just a small selection of photographic materials from the museum and modern pictures of the Petrovsky house and the square near it. The collection of orders and commemorative medals is extremely interesting. Among them: an award-winning enamel portrait of Peter the Great, decorated with precious stones; Order of St. Andrew the First-Called and other medals.

«Петр I в моем городе: кадр истории»

Контиевская Евгения Алексеевна,
Вологодский кооперативный колледж

From Moscow to Vologda we rode along the Moscow post road on horseback. The most important ranks of the retinue of the spiritual and civil authorities of the city were present. Then, for lunch, dishes were prepared from the Sheksna sterlet and fish caught in the Kubensky Lake — nelma, whitefish and pike. Fresh Vologda cucumbers and small mushrooms were served to the table. Then we went to Arkhangelsk on 7 carbases. This time he followed the White Sea. He stayed in Vologda for four days.

Петровский домик

Кузьминская Алина Дмитриевна,
БПОУ ВО «Вологодский областной колледж культуры и туризма»

In the Vologda region where I live, there is a small one-storey stone building known as the House of Peter the Great. It was constructed in the second half of the 17thcentury and is situated on the bank of the Vologda River.
This house belonged to the Dutch merchant Ivan Houtman who was an official representative of Holland in Russia. His commercial activity was closely connected with Vologda. Peter the Great stayed in this house several times when he came to Vologda.
The city administration bought this building in 1872 and opened a museum there. It was established on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the birth of Peter Iand opened in 1885. The House of Peter I became the first museum of Vologda and the Vologda region.

Peter I in our city

Лазарева Анастасия Сергеевна,
МОУ "СОШ №13 им. А.А.Завитухина"


«Петр I в моем городе: кадр истории»

Иванов Александр Владимирович,
Вечерняя школа №1

The first visit of Peter I to Vologda took place in the spring of 1692, when the young tsar was looking for a place for the construction of ships of the funny fleet. Kubenskoye Lake was chosen as one of the candidates for the place of honor of the "Motherland of Russian Shipbuilding". The way to the lake lay through Gryazovets and Vologda. The lake disappointed the monarch. When measuring the depths, it turned out that it was shallow. According to legend, it was during this visit that the tsar visited the Spaso-Kamenny Monastery located on an island in Kubensky Lake, where he was treated to fish soup from local fish.

One exhibit from the life of Peter the Great and the history of Vologda

Лобашева Арина Сергеевна,
ФГБОУ ВО «Вологодский государственный университет»


One of Peter's visits to Vologda coincided with his birthday. The Emperor is 30 years old. The celebration took place in the magnificent Cross Chamber of the Simonovsky Corps of the Vologda Bishop's Yard (now the territory of the Vologda Kremlin). Peter threw a feast "for the whole world." The guests were treated to a variety of dishes: barrels of Rhine wine, geese, red and black caviar, fish, corned beef and much more. And the times were hard then, there was a war, a lot of weapons were required, and there was very little bronze in the country. Then Peter demanded that all the bells in the country be melted down into cannons. Suddenly, during a feast, the emperor heard a bell ringing. The enraged king demanded an answer as to why his order had not been carried out. To save the bells, the local bell-ringer, the lame Ivashka, climbed the bell tower by many steps and played "Kamarinskaya" on the bells. Peter the Great was so impressed by the bell ringer's abilities that he left all the bells intact as a reward: "Let him play."

Пѐтр I в моѐм городе: кадр истории

Лунякина Александра Сергеевна
МОУ «СОШ №3»


The fourth visit was in mid-May 1702 at the height of the Northern War. Peter I again passes through Vologda to Arkhangelsk. The king is very worried about the possible attack of the Swedes on Arkhangelsk from the White Sea. By his arrival, more than three hundred ships had been built for "fusing military shells and military men to Arkhangelsk."

Било Петровского времени

Романова Дарья Алексеевна,
БПОУ ВО «Вологодский областной колледж культуры и туризма»


Semantrons of various types were widely used in monasteries and cities.They were made of metal, wood and even stone, especially in the areas that had no other material but stone. The Russian name of the semantron – bilo – comes from the root of the Old Russian word ―beat‖.The sound is made with beating a stick or a special hammer on the flat surface of the bilo.
The wooden semantron was a plank made of maple, ash-tree, beech, or birch. Depending on its shape, size and material, which could vary, the instrument gave different sounds.Metal semantrons (known since the 6thcentury) were made of iron, copper, cast iron, and bell bronze.Stone semantrons were used in the Solovetsky Monastery in the 15thcentury.

Vologda’s Rope Masters

Сергеева Марина Максимовна,
МОУ СОШ №13 им. А.А.Завитухина


At the end of the XVII - beginning of the XVIII century, Peter I came to Vologda again.Royal visits became a noisy event every time and sometimes led to unexpected changes in the destinies of the city and its inhabitants.On May 4, 1694, the tsar and his retinue of three hundred people arrived in Vologda from Moscow on carts.He stayed here for three days. It is known that he visited Kozlenskaya Sloboda, famous for rope production.There he carefully watched the ropes being twisted and was very pleased with the work of Vologda craftsmen. Many years later, when the Russian naval shipbuilding will unfold in full force, by a royal decree of 1718, one hundred and fifty best rope masters will be demanded from Vologda at the Admiralty shipyard in St. Petersburg and at the rope factory in the village of Preobrazhenskoye near Moscow.

Пѐтр I в моѐм городе: история дома-музея Петра I в Вологде

Самусева Эльвира Владимировна,
МОУ «СОШ №5»


The Gutmans rescued Peter, who ended up in Holland without any funds. All the money was spent: the decision on the appointment of state tasks, the search for allies for the war with Turkey, the purchase of cannons, cloth for uniforms, invitations to appointed foreign masters … and there were 250 people in the large embassy. The Gutmans came to the rescue. They gave Peter 3,360 gold rubles and 10,000 thalers. For this, the king thanked them with a letter of commendation, which gave them significant privileges. Gutmans were allowed to build trading houses throughout the country. In Vologda, they rented a land for 50 years for 20 liters of wine and built a stone house on the river bank on it.

Vologda and Peter I

Степанов Всеволод Даниилович,
МОУ «СОШ №5»


Vologda was not the most developed town but what was so interesting about it? Why did Peter I visit the Vologda region as many as five times? Let’s find out.

Peter the Great in my native town of Vologda

Орозокулов Эльдар Туйгунбекович,
МОУ «СОШ №5»


In my town there is the"House-Museum of Peter I" which was founded by the provincial zemsky government and opened on June 5, 1885. During his visits to Vologda the Emperor stayed here. Until 1872 this house was privately owned by merchant E.A. Vitusheshnikov. On May 30, 1872 the Vologda zemsky government bought this house and later itbecame the part of the Vologda Regional Museum.
Everyone can visit this museum nowadays and see various exhibitshere. The exhibition presents items of trade, crafts, daily life of Russia of the XVII-XVIII centuries. Also, you can find there the personal belongings of Peter I. The museum's exposition contains about 100 exhibits. The unique ones include the clothes of Peter I, the emperor's posthumous mask, the GeneralissimoA.D. Menshikov’s Cup.
Personally, I’m proud that Peter I was in my hometown Vologda and I admire him because he is a great reformer.

«Peter the Great in Vologda»

Субботина Надежда Валерьевна,
МОУ «СОШ №1 с углублѐнным изучением английского языка г. Вологды»


To follow the tsar's order, The Vologda Bishop Gavriil sent not only the required bell copper, but also 200 poods from the reserves of the bishop's treasury to the casting yard in Moscow. The sovereign, delighted with such a generous donation, sent acertificate of commendation to Gavriil. Moreover, Peter I also ordered Ivan Motorin, who had created the Tsar Bell, to cast two bells for the Vologda bell tower. And two years later, the citizens of Vologda received two bells – Bolshaya Lebedweighing about three tons and Malaya Lebed weighing 400 kg.
Nowadays citizens and visitors of the city can still admire these bells on the Sofia Belfry.

Vologda as a historical place

Янковская Наталия Антоновна,
АПОУ ВО «Вологодский колледж связи и информационных технологий»


Architecture of Domik seems like houses from the projects for «mean» (for artisans and average merchants), but it still looks elegant, though with no frills.
The Domik has only two rooms: the hallway and the big living room. There are two tiled stoves in the living room. Also, in the past living room could be divided by a partition.
Though museum was closed in 1924, it was opened again in 1944 and still has lots of antiques, which are connected both with Pyotr I and with Vologda. Near the museum there is a small park with a lovely view on the river Vologda. Many citizens and tourists like to walk here. As for me, I like this place any season, it`s equally beautiful in snowy winter and in hot summer. Welcome to Vologda! Use a good opportunity to get acquainted with historical page of great country!

Петр I в моем городе: кадр истории

Кучерова Алеся Андреевна


The House of Peter the Great is the architectural attraction of the 17 th century. Among the favourite Vologda museums and places of interest it is one of the most loved and visited. That's why you can hardly ever find any Vologda dweller who has never been to this lovely attraction. The House is situated on the bank of the Vologda river and welcomes its visitors with amazingly quiet and peaceful sight. In 1885 the first Vologda museum was opened in the House. Nowadays the House of Peter the Great is a part of Vologda State architectural and Art Reserve Museum.
I am very proud of my native Town Vologda, of the fact that it played such an important role in Russia’s history, that such a great man as Peter the First payed attention to it.

True or fiction: “The house of Peter I”

Устинов Ростислав Андреевич,
МОУ «Лицей № 32»


Now let’s have a look at the cast-iron coat of armsover the entrance of the―House of Peter I‖ with the letters H R S and the date 1704. According to the official version, this is the year of the Peter’s visit to Vologda but we know that he was there only in 1724. The letters are translated as ―Dutch Republican States‖. But in fact, there were no such states in history. As the Vologda researcher I.Voronin suggests the letters H R S may mean the initials of the merchant «Hendrik Riem Snijder». The date is the year when the house was built.

Дом-музей Петра Первого в Вологде

Бороухина Таисия Сергеевна,
Вологодский колледж технологии и дизайна


Above the entrance door is a board with an image of the coat of arms, which shows a hand holding an axe, on top of the letters N. R. S., which means "Dutch Republican States", and at the bottom under the coat of arms on the ribbon is the year 1704. It is believed that if not Johann Gutman himself, then someone close to him was the Dutch consul representing the interests of Holland in Russia.
Peter the Great lived in this house five times during his visits to the city.
He visited Vologda for the first time in 1692. Peter's second visit to Vologda was in July 1693. For the third time the tsar was in Vologda in 1694, from May 4 to May 8. For the fourth time he came to Vologda on May 15, 1702. Peter's last visit to Vologda was in March 1724.

Прием Петра I в Крестовой палате

Шаров Иван Алексеевич,
БПОУ ВО «Вологодский областной колледж культуры и туризма»


The Archbishop’s Residence, known as the Vologda Kremlin now, consists of churches, chambers, household structures and walls. The first stone chambers - Simon Building - were named after Archbishop Simon under whom they were constructed in the 17th century.
It was a three-storeyed structure with cells, a small house church and formal rooms. But the building was famous for the Cross Chamber used as a ceremonial reception room. It was an enormous hall with a vaulted ceiling, beautiful icons and a copper chandelier.
In the Cross Chamber the archbishops of Vologda received noble guests, including Peter I.

«О Домике Петра I…»

Калинина Карина Федровна
МБОУ «СОШ № 22»


Today, the doors of the Peter I House-Museum are open to everyone who is interested in the era and personality of the first Russian emperor. It is popular with young and adult tourists. The main excursions of the museum are devoted to Peter's reformatory activities, the Northern War and the history of the Vologda Region during his reign.
A unique and memorable event for the newly married couple will be the "Visit of the newlyweds to the house of Peter I". As part of the visit to the Petrovsky house, a museum employee in a tsar's costume will present the newlyweds with a letter with the order of the Great Emperor.

Peter the first visit to the rope production in Vologda

Завьялова Яна Андреевна,
БПОУ ВО «Вологодский аграрно-экономический колледж»

On May 4, 1694, the tsar with his retinue of three hundred people arrived from Moscow to Vologda.He stayed in the city for three days. During this time, he, as he was interested in everything connected with the maritime affairs, visited the Kozlyonskaya Sloboda, which was famous for its rope manufacturing. There he closely watched the rope making and was very pleased with the work of the Vologda masters.

Петр I на Кубенском озере

Соколова Валерия Алексеевна
МОУ «СОШ № 36» города Вологда


The history of many cities and towns in Russia is connected with the name of Peter the Great. Vologda is not an exception.
In the spring of 1692, a young twenty-year-old tsar Peter Alekseevich arrived at Vologda unexpectedly. He was in a hurry to go to KubenskoyeLake to see how deep it was and whether, after Pereyaslavskoye Lake, it was suitable for exercises in sailing on ships and for training to fight on the water. The meeting was arranged with a bell ringing and a prayer service in honor of the guest.

Кафедра литературы на иностранных языках отдела абонемента
Вологодская областная универсальная научная библиотека
имени И.В. Бабушкина
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