Постников А. В. Русская Америка в географических описаниях и на картах, 1741-1867 гг. – СПб. : Дмитрий Буланин, 2000 - page 467

К опия докум ента лю безно предостав­
лен а автору Ч икагской Академией наук.
Sherw ood М. В.
Exploration o f A laska...
P. 21.
554 РГИА . Ф . 1289, № 1958: О предлож ении
Т елеграф н ого сообщ ения России с А м ери­
кою . Ч. Т ретья. 11 февраля 1863— 20 фев­
раля 1867 г. Л. 13 и 7 об. — T hat was that
R ussia could extend her nationality, her
pow er,
and her visible dominion,
right on to
B ering's Strait; plant her standards upon both
shores A sia and Am erica, thence along by the
K vichpak up to the British frontier and thus
open up a C ountry valuable in m any respectes
to comm erce and civilization.
555 Т ам же. Л. 16.
556 Т ам же. Л. 24.
557 А ВП РИ . Ф: СП б. Главный архив, I— 9.
№ 10: О писание действий К омпании З а­
падны х телеграф ов Соединенных Ш татов
по сооруж ению Российско-Американского
Т елеграф а (от,чи н овн и ка О собы х поруче­
ний при Главном Управлении Восточной
С ибири А носова министру П очт и телегра­
фов). Л . 132— 132 об.
W hymper F.
Travel and A dventure... P. 108—
W hym per F.
Travel and A dventure... P. 110.
560 АВП РИ . Ф . СП б. Главный архив, 1—9.
№ 10. Л . 133— 134.
561 Т ам же. Л . 146— 147. См. также:
за С. С.
Русско-Американский телеграф...
562 W illiam Н. Ennis to RK , ТС /РС o f О,
W illiam H ealey Dali Papers, 7073, Box 6,
F older 4; SI A; pages 1—7.
563 W illiam H. Ennis to RK . TC /PC o f O,
W illiam H ealey Dali Papers, 7073, Box 6,
F older 4. SIA: page 3:
F rom these men. who live on the Ruyuk
river, I learned, th at there is a lake, a great
distance from the m outh, but th at the river
originates in the m ountains, from which a
sm all stream takes its source, running to the
W estw ard, flow ing into G olovin Sound, and
an o th er stream , which empties as they
suppose, into K otzebue Sound
determ ined
how ever, to see som ething o f the river myself,
an d with th at intention I left with Mr. O. de
Bendeleben. tw o Russians and one sled lightly
loaded, an d proseeded on the road — I had
travelled but a short distance, when a South
E ast gale, with snow, cam e upon us; which in
addition to the w ater and slush on ice,
rendered it impossible, with four men
pushing, and 7 dogs pulling, to m ake any
headway,, so I deem ed it prudent to return, as
it w ould with such roads, take several days to
go b u t a short distance, which w ould add
nothing to my stock o f inform ation. —
In connection with the K ilyuk river 1
learned th at there is no confinous w ater
comm unication
K uyuk-m ute,
G ran tley H arbor, as indicated ,on your
chart. — All seem to think the rivers from
G olovin S ound to G rantley H arb o r are not
navigable fof even skinboats, an d .th is seems
to me to be true, fof were tfipse stream s
navigable, the Indians w ould not tak e the
rou te along the C oast, when trading to Port
Clarence, when river travelling is so much
564 William H. Ennis to RK. TC /PC o f O,
W illiam Healey Dali Papers, 7073, Box 6,
Folder 4, S1A; page 6:
On my way from Shakhtolik-m ute to
Inglutalik-m ute, 1 camped for the night on the
banks o f a river, about 125 yards wide,
originationg in the M ountains N orth East,
and flowing into N orton Bay. It is called by
the Indians U nw akhtulik, abounds in fish of
large size, and has never been visited by white
men. It is not laid down on any English or
Russian charts...
565 W illiam Healey Dali Papers, 7073. Box 316
Folder 1.
Adam s G. R.
Life on the Y ukon. 33. О днев­
никах Дж . P. Адамса и Ф реда М. Смита,
хранящихся в Отделе рукописей Библиоте­
ки В аш ингтонского Университета см. так ­
Pettus Terry.
Expedition to Russian
Am erica... P. 8— 19.
A dam s G. R.
Life on the Y ukon... P. 35— 43.
P. 52.
569 Копия документа, любезно предоставлен­
ная автору Чикагской Академией наук
(лист 2859): ТС from G eorge R. Adams, MS
diary, 14 N ovem ber 1865, U. o f Wash.
Lib. —
Russ. American Fur. Cos. Post N ulato
R.A. N ov 14th 1865
Lieut G eo R.Adam s.
You will during my absence (o f about
forty days) with M ike L ebarge and Evan [i.e.
Ivan] Simeon Lukine m ake such explorations
on or near the proposed route for telegraph
from K oyukuk westward, as your limited
m eans will perm it. Y ou will also do any work
you may deem expedient, with the view of
facilitating the rapid and safe [rogress o f the
expedition tow ards F ort Y oukon.
Y ou will draw such supplies from the
Baidaijik o f this post as you deem necessary.
H e will also furnish you with a sled and three
dogs. 1 would advise you to proceed first to
K oyukuk and attem pt to penetrate the
country westward tow ard N orton Bay.
striking southw ard to the K ivhpak in time to
reach this post before your provisions are
exhausted. All further detailes I leave entirely
to your own sicretion.
Robert Kennicott
M ajor, Comm . Russ. Am. Tel. Ex. Ex.
Adam s G. R.
Life on the Y ukon... P. 60.
571 Цит. no:
James J. A.
The First Scientific...
P. 17.
572 Ibid. P. 17. П одробны й рассказ лейтенанта
П ирса об этих событиях см.: T ransactions
o f the Chicago Academy o f Sciences. Vol. 1.
Chicago, 1867 P. 217— 224.
Dali William H.
o f Spencer
Fullerton Baird. P. 268.
A dam s G. R.
Life on the Y ukon... P. 91;
Sherwood М. B.
E xploration o f Alaska...
P. 24— 25.
Sherwood М. B.
E xploration o f Alaska...
P. 25.
Wymper F.
Travel and A dventure... P. 195.
A ult Philip H. T h e (almost)
Russian-Am erican
Telegraph. P. 97.
Sherwood М. B.
Exploration o f Alaska...
P. 26— 31.
1...,457,458,459,460,461,462,463,464,465,466 468,469,470,471,472,473,474,475,476,477,...520
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